
Links that I want to remember and you might to browse through! Inspired by flamedfury.

List of Free Software network services and web applications which you can self host. Found when looking for options to self host calendar.

This series is a great inspiration for starting your own journey with more vim personalization then just simple configuration of the editor and plugins.

A website to test your personal blue-green boundary. Mine result:

Your boundary is at hue 173, greener than 62% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.

That's the kind of programming language research I love the most. I want to be this kind of ancient explorer that in their's notebook draws rough outlines of programming language features and groups them by looks.

As certified programming language enjoyer I really need to expand my horizons and drop the usual category of languages for niche ones. Using C++, Rust, Python, JavaScript and Haskell in 2024 is just basic. That's why I use m4 now btw.

Limiting internet access seems like a great idea that I should try.

This is the most impressive gradient generator that I have ever seen. Additional points for cool URL.

self-centredness is NOT "self-care": losing the human face online

This video essay gives voice to my inner self that tries to make every space their in just a little bit kinder and cooperative.

I'm so inspired by this one. I'm always such a huge fun of personal websites that are trying to provide new expirience while staying mostly with hypertext. The radical nature of karlicoss website is not only in the presentation but also in the content - it really feels like you are looking at someone's pure brain dump.

MDN documentation for <blockquote> doesn't have a good answer on how to properly structure quotes. Fortunately Heydon delivers.

To be read, however from the excerpts that I've seen it's great.

I need to try this, it seems like gamechanger for Docker UX.

One thing that suprises me in tech is how little the concept of HTML as the most cross-platform document format is used. This post is another example of how one can utilize HTML - this time to nicely organize your files using tools that you already have.

How to Plate Food at Home

Really good guide! Doesn't use any special tools and most tips don't take any extra work!

dc is Turing complete. I guess there isn't nothing left that is computationally weak.

I really want to try this workflow. I often have to showcase something deployed locally and I always have to stash the changes and rebuild everything. Having clean copy right by, always ready, sounds wonderful.

Their whole miniseries of browser monocultures and the consequences of Chromium dominance resonates so much with me. I recently have been forced to install Chromium for work and with the wonderful change to using snap's for it in Ubuntu the pain was doubled.

I love the idea of curation, configuration and workflows as forms of creation. It reminds me of this sort of generational knowledge that we are ought to share with each other - only now instead of how to chop wood I get to share my Neovim configs.